SDK (Software Development Kit)

This article gives you an overview of how to use our SDK for your own development.

The SDK allows you to develop games for our systems using the Unity engine, easily deploying them via USB. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and fun development process, and we welcome feedback at

Quickstart Guide

  1. Download the Example Project
    Start with our pre-built example as a foundation.
  2. Detect Ball Hits
    Get notified about interactions using LymbSDK.s_eventBallHit.AddListener(OnBallHit);.
  3. UI Setup
    Ball hits simulate mouse clicks, so Unity's built in UI elements work out of the box.
  4. Test in Unity
    Develop and test your game in the Unity editor, simulating inputs with a Keyboard and Mouse.
  5. Test on a MultiBall
    Follow the instructions for building your game to a USB stick, plug it into the MultiBall PC and test on any MultiBall System with an active SDK subscription.

 Links: Example Project, SDK Assetpack 

Preparing Your MultiBall

  • While you can test in Unity, the true experience requires testing on a real MultiBall system.
  • Setup SDK packages by opening your system's Settings tab and finding the SDK category.
  • (Optional) Use a USB extension cable to make accessing the USB ports of the MultiBall PC easier.

Setting Up Your Project

Using the Example Project

  • Unity Version: 2021.3.23f1
  • Game View: Set aspect ratio to 16:10
  • Target Platform: Linux
  • Build Name: unitygames

Using Your Own Project
If you’re starting from scratch, apply the same settings above, plus:

  • Unity Version: 2021.3.23f1
  • Company Name: DefaultCompany
  • Product Name: MBGame06
  • Version: Has to be a valid version with 3 sections (e.g. 1.0.0, not 1.0)
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1200, Windowed Mode
  • Run in Background: true
  • Import our SDK assetpack
    1. Package Manager →  Packages: Unity Registry → Input System 1.5.1 →  Import
    2. Drag lymb_sdk prefab into the scene
    3. Edit -> Project Settings -> Input System Package -> Create settings asset
  • Copy the package.txt from the root Asset folder from the example project to your project

Preparing the USB Stick

  1. Format your USB stick as FAT32 (use free tools like Rufus if needed).
  2. Create a folder named MBGame06

  3. Place your game build in the folder.
  4. Create a package.conf file inside the folder, with the following lines:
name = com.DefaultCompany.MBGame06
version = 0.0.1

library_path = .
command = ./unitygames.x86_64

Running Your Game on MultiBall

  1. Plug in the USB stick to a USB port on your MultiBall system (or extension cable, if present)
  2. Either...
    1. Select the "USB Game" icon that should appear above the left folder switching button on the home screen of your MultiBall system.
    2. Log in to the MultiBall Admin webpage (You received your login with your MultiBall system). Select "Pick Game", and choose MBGame06.
  1. Your game will start—enjoy!

SDK Usage

Check out GameManagerExample.cs/Start() in the example game for reference. Some useful input commands for testing in Unity:

  • B = simulate ball hit (short touch) at the cursor position
  • T = simulate touch (long touch) at the cursor position
  • Q = add/remove player motion track 1
  • E = hold to move player motion track 1 with the cursor
  • W = add/remove player motion track 2
  • R = hold to move player motion track 2 with the cursor


Drag the lymb_sdk prefab into the scene.

Detect Ball Hits

Use the following call to subscribe to receiving ball hit events in your custom OnBallHit function:


A ball hit is any impact detected lasting less than ~0.6s, so it will also detect taps with hands. The event sends a Vector2 (Screen Position) and a float (impact speed). The speed is not reliable and isn’t used by us as of now (ignore it!).

Ball hits also simulate left mouse clicks, so Unity's built in UI elements recognizes them out-of-the-box.

Detect Touches

Just subscribe to the event in Start()


A touch is any impact detection lasting longer than ~0.6s. It will send TouchDown after those 0.6s and TouchUp once the user releases.

Note: In our system, touches are primarily used to open sub-menus like the pause menu. Thus, if you plan to add your game to our roster in the long term, you shouldn’t use touch for gameplay. If your game is the only one that should run on the system, you can obviously use it.

Touches also simulate right mouse clicks.

Track the position of Players in front of the wall

Subscribe to events that tell you when people were recognized or lost.



Those give you a key for the according track in the LymbSDK.s_dictPlayerTracks dictionary. Dictionary entries hold the player position (between 0 and Screen Width/Height) and position fraction (between 0 and 1 on each axis).

Please note that while the track IDs (keys for the dictionary) simulated with a keyboard are always 0 and 1, the IDs on an actual system will be more random. 

Also note that player tracks may already exist at the time your game is started. To account for this, add code similar to the following to your Start function, before subscribing to the "s_eventPlayerTrackAdded" and "s_eventPlayerTrackRemoved" events:

    private void Start()
//Add pre-existing player tracks
        foreach(int id in LymbSDK.s_dictPlayerTracks.Keys)

//Subscribe to subsequent changes to the presence of player tracks

Tips & Tricks

  1. System Hardware
    MultiBall is powered by entry-level hardware (Intel Celeron Processor J1900, 4GB RAM) running Ubuntu 16. One CPU core is typically reserved for motion tracking, leaving the rest for your game.

  2. Testing on the actual system
    Playing on an actual system differs from testing in the editor with a mouse and keyboard. A few tips:

    • Short visual effects following ball hits may be perceived differently. After a ball impact, players will be preoccupied with cathcing or picking up the ball they just threw. Therefore, such visual effects might go unnoticed.
    • Precision is lower when throwing a ball versus using a mouse.
    • If you're using a projector-based system, contrast is lower than on a backlit screen; Black colors will take on the same color as the wall they're projected on. 
    • On projector-based systems, players can cast shadows that may block their view of game elements.
    • If you're using an LED-based system, the display resolution is significantly lower than the internal render resolution. A MultiBall LED Club has an actual display resolution of 1024x640, the MultiBall LED Mini a resolution of 768x512. Be aware that in the latter case, the aspect ratio is 3:2, NOT 16:10. The base internal resolution is therefore 1800x1200 instead of 1920x1200.
    • On LED-based systems, image brightness can have a significant impact on power consumption and heat output of the screen. Darker colors may be preferrable.
    • It is generally less fun to throw balls at targets near the bottom of the screen, since you may have to bend down catch or pick up any thrown balls. 
  1. 2D Layering Issues in 2D Games
    Ensure front objects are truly in front by adjusting the z-position or renderer order in layer, to ensure that objects are displayed in the same order in the editor and built game 

  2. False warning
    The debug log will say “Could not initialize fwbSDK” when testing in Unity. This is an expected message that will be removed with future updates.
  3. Videos 
    If you plan to display videos in your game, keep in mind that Unity's list of supported video formats under Linux is quite limited, and many common formats are not supported. Consider converting them to .webm, e.g. with HandBrake. A guide on how to do this is available here.
  4. Exiting Games
    The SDK currently doesn't include a pause menu. You'll need to implement a way to exit, otherwise the game can only be stopped using any of the following methods: 

    1. via the MultiBall admin page, by selecting a different game in the "Pick Game" section

    2. by connecting a keyboard to the MultiBall PC via USB and pressing ALT + F4

    3. by rebooting the system

  5. Inspiration
    There are videos of our current games on our website that you can use for inspiration.

Additional Information

  • When starting a correctly set-up scene in the editor, the following set of log messages is normal and expected. The SDK can't fully initialize in the editor environment, but should function normally when running on an actual system. This won't stop you from simulating inputs in the editor, as described in the "SDK Usage" section.

  • In the current version of the public SDK, the following set of log messages when building are expected and normal. The "FileNotFoundException" can be addressed by placing the package.conf file mentioned in the "Preparing the USB Stick" section above at the base of the Assets folder, as "package.txt". However, as long as you end up placing a valid package.conf file on the USB stick you're building to, this is optional.


Thank you and have fun developing!